A big image opens when the thumbnail is clicked.(nies-0041.jpg)
Strain number NIES-41  
Phylum Cyanophyta  
Class Cyanophyceae  
Scientific name Dolichospermum circinale (Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault) Wacklin, Hoffmann & Komárek  
Synonym Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault 1886; Cylindrospermum circinale (Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault) Frank 1886; Anabaena flos-aquae var. circinalis (Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault) D.Saunders 1894; Anabaena hassallii Wittrock ex Lemmermann 1907; Anabaena hassallii f. typica Elenkin 1938; Anabaena spiroides f. hassallii Pankow 1965  
Former name Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault  
Common name Blue-green alga ; Cyanobacteria  
Locality (Date of collection) Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, Japan (1974-08-**)  
Latitude / Longitude 36.0428477398 / 140.373233439 
Habitat (Isolation source) Freshwater (Lake water)  
History < IAM (1983);  
Isolator (Date of isolation) Watanabe, Makoto M.; Ichimura, Terunobu (1974-08-**)  
Identified by Watanabe, Makoto M.  
State of strain Subculture; Unialgal; Clonal; Axenic[2021 May]  
Culture condition
(Preculture condition)
Medium:  CB  
Temperature:  22 C
Light intensity:  19-24 µmol photons/m2/sec, L/D cycle:  10L:14D
Duration:  1 M  
Gene information 16S rRNA ( AB042859 )  
Cell size (min - max) 5 - 14 μm  
Organization Filamentous 
Characteristics Cyanobacterial water bloom (aoko) ; Offensive odor  
Other strain no. Other collection strain no. : IAM M-169
Remarks UnstableAxenic; 
Sun, B.-K., Tanji, Y., Unno, H. 2006 Extinction of cells of cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis in the presence of humic acid under illumination. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 72, 823-828.
Strain(s): 41 
PubMed: 16505991
DOI: 10.1007/s00253-006-0327-4

Hosoya, R., Hamana, K., Isobe, M., Yokota, A. 2005 Polyamine distribution profiles within Cyanobacteria. Microbiol. Cult. Coll., 21, 3-8.
Keywords: cyanobacteria; homospermidine; polyamine; spermidine
Strain(s): 19212228303437414445507378798081204208510512515592593610843846847209320962098210021022107210821182119212321242125212621282129213121323259327532763277 

Sun, B.-K., Tanji, Y., Unno, H. 2005 Influences of iron and humic acid on the growth of the cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis. Biochem. Eng. J., 24, 195-201.
Keywords: cyanobacteria; Anabaena circinalis; iron limitation; humic acid
Strain(s): 41 
DOI: 10.1016/j.bej.2005.02.014

Oikawa, E. Ishibashi, Y., 2004 Species specificity of musty odor producing Phormidium tenue in Lake Kamafusa. Wat. Sci. Tech., 49, 41-46.
Keywords: 16S-rDNA sequence; 2-methylisoborneol; musty odor; Phormidium tenue phylogenetic tree
Strain(s): 213033417376512611 
PubMed: 15237605
DOI: 10.2166/wst.2004.0529

Hirabayashi, R. & Imamura, N. 2003 Action mechanism of a selective anti-cyanobacterial compound, argimicin A. J. Antibiotics, 56, 154-159.
Strain(s): 414581102204230298592 
PubMed: 12715875
DOI: 10.7164/antibiotics.56.154

Mori, F., Erata, M., Watanabe, M. M. 2002 Cryopreservation of cyanobacteria and green algae in the NIES-Collection. Microbiol. Cult. Coll., 18, 45-55.
Keywords: cryopreservation; cyanobacteria; green algae; FDA staining method; NIES-Collection
Strain(s): 192122232425262728293031323334353637383940414445465051525354555658596061626364656667686970737475767778798081878990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112119120122123125127128129130131132133134135137138139144147151152153154155156157158159160162163164165166167168170171172173174175176177178179180181182183185186187188189191192193194197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217224226227228229230231232241242243244245246248257259261263266267268287288289290294295297298299300301302303305306308309310312313329334337338339340341342349351359360361362375378379380382384385390394396397398415416418419421422423424425426427428429430431432433434436437438439440446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460464468469474478479480481503504505506507509510512514515522523524527528529530531532536537538539540541542543544545546564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585592593594595596597598604610628630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667672685686687688689690691692693694717718719720721722723724725726727728729 

Lyra, C., Suomalainen, S., Gugger, M., Vezie, C., Sundman, P., Paulin, L., Sivonen, K. 2001 Molecular characterization of planktic cyanobacteria of Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Microcystis and Planktothrix genera. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 51, 13-526.
Keywords: cyanobacteria; 16S rRNA gene; RFLP; sequencing; REP; ERIC
Strain(s): 41447379818998102104 
DOI: 10.1099/00207713-51-2-513

Oikawa, E., Ishibashi, Y., Abe, T., Umetsu, H. 2000 Phylogenetic classification of musty odor and/or toxic compounds producing cyanobacteria. Environ. Eng. Res., 37, 183-191 (in Japanese with English summary).
Keywords: cyanobacteria; musty odor; 16S ribosomal RNA; PCR; phylogenetic trees
Strain(s): 213033417376512 
DOI: 10.11532/proes1992.37.183

Beltran, E. C., Neilan, B. 2000 Geographical segregation of the neurotoxin-producing cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 66, 4468-4474.
Strain(s): 192123404180 
PubMed: 11010900
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.66.10.4468-4474.2000

Shin, H. J., Matsuda, H., Murakami, M., Yamaguchi, K. 1997 Circinamide, a novel papain inhibitor from the cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis (NIES-41). Tetrahedron, 53, 5747-5754.
Strain(s): 41 
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4020(97)00285-8

Neilan, B. A., Jacobs, D., Goodman, A. E. 1995 Genetic diversity and phylogeny of toxic cyanobacteria determined by DNA polymorphisms within the phycocyanin locus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 61, 3875-3883.
Strain(s): 244041447376788081878998102107111112204207298 
PubMed: 8526499

Neilan, B. A., Hawkins, P. R., Cox, P. T., Goodman, A. E. 1994 Towards a molecular taxonomy for the bloom-forming cyanobacteria. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 45, 869-873.
Keywords: 16S rRNA; PCR; Microcystis; Anabaena; DNA sequence
Strain(s): 417889102107111 
DOI: 10.1071/MF9940869

Watanabe, M. M., Kasai, F., Hiwatari, T., Suda, S., Nei, T. 1984 Cryopreservation of microalgae in liquid nitrogen - Survival of algal cultures after freezing. Jpn. J. Freez. Dry., 30, 23-26 (in Japanese with English title).
Strain(s): 1819212426293139404144454650737475767780818788899091939598991001011201221311351371441512042072132572633794152219223522392579 

Ichimura, T. & Itoh, T. 1977 17. Preservation methods of microalgae (I) [17. Bisaisôrui no hozonhô (I)]. In Preservation methods of microorganisms [Biseibutsu Hozonhô], Ed. by Nei, T., University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pp. 355-373 (in Japanese).
Strain(s): 19212223242728303132333436373839404144454647484950122123127131144152173175179180181182183185198200203206217226227241266267268295309310334338379436448450455527 

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