Strain number NIES-230  
Phylum Cyanophyta  
Class Cyanophyceae  
Scientific name Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmermann  
Former name  
Common name Blue-green alga ; Cyanobacteria  
Locality (Date of collection) Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (1984-05-07)  
Latitude / Longitude 36.105319 / 140.081738 
Habitat (Isolation source) Freshwater (Pond water)  
History < Kasai, Fumie  
Isolator (Date of isolation) Kasai, Fumie (1984-05-09)  
Identified by Watanabe, Makoto M.  
State of strain Cryopreservation; Unialgal; Clonal; Non-axenic  
Culture condition
(Preculture condition)
Medium:  C  
Temperature:  20 C
Light intensity:  15-22 µmol photons/m2/sec, L/D cycle:  10L:14D
Duration:  1 M  
Gene information  
Cell size (min - max) - 3 μm  
Other strain no. Other strain no. : F98-2  
Remarks Cryopreserved 
Asukabe, H., Akahori, S., Ueno, E., Nakayama, T., Yamashita, R., Arii, S., Harada, K., Imanishi, S. Y. 2020 Cyanobacterial classification with the toxicity using MALDI Biotyper. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 31, 1572-1578.
Keywords: cyanobacteria; MALDI Biotyper; microcystins; profiling
Strain(s): 27394273818789100101102103104105107111112207208230266298416433478510512515592593604611808809835843846847905928931932945981989102510431058106110641068106910711076108510991101110511131115112611331134113511441157121516421643165216681672167316771678169820872131241226653708373337343736375537563757 
PubMed: 32501712
DOI: 10.1021/jasms.0c00148

Sun, L. W., Jiang, W. J.4, Zhang, J. Y., Wang, W. Q., Du, Y., Sato, H., Kawachi, M., Yu, R. 2018 Identification and detection sensitivity of Microcystis aeruginosa from mixed and field samples using MALDI-TOF MS. Environ. Monit. Assess., 190, 712 (article ID).
Keywords: Microcystis aeruginosa; MALDI-TOFMS; Cyanobacterial bloom; Ribosomal protein
Strain(s): 2062308431639 
PubMed: 30415457
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-7093-5

Baresova, M., Pivokonsky, M., Novotna, K., Naceradska, J., Branyik, T. 2017 An application of cellular organic matter to coagulation of cyanobacterial cells (Merismopedia tenuissima). Water Res., 122, 70-77.
Keywords: Algal cellular organic matter; Coagulation; Cyanobacterial cells; Merismopedia tenuissima; Water treatment
Strain(s): 230 
PubMed: 28591663
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.05.070

Hodoki, Y., Ohbayashi, K., Kobayashi, Y., Okuda, N., Nakano, S. 2012 Detection and identification of potentially toxic cyanobacteria: Ubiquitous distribution of Microcystis aeruginosa and Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi in Japanese lakes. Harmful Algae, 16, 49-57.
Keywords: Anatoxin-a; Automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA); Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi; Cyanotoxin; Microcystin; Microcystis aeruginosa
Strain(s): 304077102111230512843905928932937991164516691698172919502116 
DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2012.01.003

Ioki, M., Ohkoshi, M., Nakajima, N., Nakahira-Yanaka, Y., Watanabe, M. M. 2012 Isolation of herbicide-resistant mutants of Botryococcus braunii. Bioresour. Technol., 109, 300-303.
Keywords: Botryococcus braunii; Paraquat; Methyl viologen; Basta; Glufosinate
Strain(s): 351192272302235 
PubMed: 21906932
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.07.101

Hamana, K., Kobayashi, M., Yokota, A., Sekiguchi, H., Niitsu, M. 2008 Cellular polyamine profiles in cyanobacteria. Microbiol. Cult. Coll., 24, 3-8.
Keywords: cyanobacteria; homospermidine; polyamine; spermine; thermospermine
Strain(s): 263336462062082302672683053614164334344815075975989319321031211521332135 

Ishihara, S., Horio, T., Kobara, Y., Yokoyama, A. 2006 Evaluation of herbicide effects on microalgal cells by flow cytometric analysis. J. Weed Sci. Tech., 51, 239-248 (in Japanese with English summary).
Keywords: herbicide; flow cytometry; algae; morphological change; recoverability; ecological risk assessment
Strain(s): 71230 
DOI: 10.3719/weed.51.239

Kim, B.-H., Oh, H.-M., Lee, Y.-K., Choi, G.-G., Ahn, C.-y., Yoon, B.-D., Kim, H.-S., 2006 Simple method for RNA preparation from cyanobacteria. J. Phycol., 42, 1137-1141.
Keywords: bead–phenol–chloroform method; cyanobacteria; RNA extraction; xanthogenate–SDS–phenol method
Strain(s): 3339230 
DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2006.00263.x

Hirabayashi, R. & Imamura, N. 2003 Action mechanism of a selective anti-cyanobacterial compound, argimicin A. J. Antibiotics, 56, 154-159.
Strain(s): 414581102204230298592 
PubMed: 12715875
DOI: 10.7164/antibiotics.56.154

Yamaguchi, T., Kobayashi, Y., Adachi, K., Imamura, N. 2003 Argimicins B and C, new anti-cyanobacterial compounds produced by Sphingomonas sp. M-17. J. Antibiot., 56, 655-657.
Strain(s): 4581102230298592 
PubMed: 14513910
DOI: 10.7164/antibiotics.56.655

Mori, F., Erata, M., Watanabe, M. M. 2002 Cryopreservation of cyanobacteria and green algae in the NIES-Collection. Microbiol. Cult. Coll., 18, 45-55.
Keywords: cryopreservation; cyanobacteria; green algae; FDA staining method; NIES-Collection
Strain(s): 192122232425262728293031323334353637383940414445465051525354555658596061626364656667686970737475767778798081878990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112119120122123125127128129130131132133134135137138139144147151152153154155156157158159160162163164165166167168170171172173174175176177178179180181182183185186187188189191192193194197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217224226227228229230231232241242243244245246248257259261263266267268287288289290294295297298299300301302303305306308309310312313329334337338339340341342349351359360361362375378379380382384385390394396397398415416418419421422423424425426427428429430431432433434436437438439440446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460464468469474478479480481503504505506507509510512514515522523524527528529530531532536537538539540541542543544545546564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585592593594595596597598604610628630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667672685686687688689690691692693694717718719720721722723724725726727728729 

Yuki, Y., Yoshida, T., Hiroishi, S. 2002 Molecular detection of the toxic cyanobacteria [Yûdoku aoko no bunshi-shikibetsu to yosatsu he-no ôyô]. In Series of Fisheries Science Vol. 143, Prevention and Extermination Strategies of Harmful Algal Blooms [Suisan-gaku shirîzu 134, Yûgai-yûdoku sôrui burûmu no yobô to kujo] , Eds. by Hiroishi, S., Imai, I. & Ishimaru, T., Koseisha-Koseikaku, Tokyo, pp. 43-53 (in Japanese).
Strain(s): 738187888990919899100101102104105106108109110111112204230298299604 

Kasai, F., Takamura, N., Hatakeyama, S. 1993 Effects of simetryne on growth of various freshwater algal taxa. Environ. Pollut., 79, 77-83.
Strain(s): 35447377102137151230231255275280298 
DOI: 10.1016/0269-7491(93)90180-V

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