A big image opens when the thumbnail is clicked.(nies-3277.jpg)
Strain number NIES-3277  
Phylum Cyanophyta  
Class Cyanophyceae  
Scientific name Synechococcus leopoliensis (Raciborski) Komárek  
Synonym Arthrospira leopoliensis Raciborski  
Former name  
Common name Blue-green alga ; Cyanobacteria  
Locality (Date of collection) Waller Creek, Austin, Texas, USA  
Latitude / Longitude 33.073131 /  
Habitat (Isolation source)  
History < IAM (2007) < NIBB (1987) < ORI < IAM < Meyers, J.;  
Isolator (Date of isolation) Meyers, J.  
Identified by  
State of strain Cryopreservation; Unialgal; Clonal; Axenic[2018 Mar]  
Culture condition
(Preculture condition)
Medium:  CTMDM (agar)  
Temperature:  20 C
Light intensity:  4-6 µmol photons/m2/sec, L/D cycle:  10L:14D
Duration:  1 M (liquid); 3 M (agar)  
Gene information Whole-genome ( AP008231 ) , gyrB ( AB074774 ) , rpoC1 ( AB074797 ) , rpoD1 ( AB074824 )  
Cell size (min - max) 2 - 4 μm  
Organization Unicellular 
Characteristics Genome decoded strain  
Other strain no. Other collection strain no. : IAM M-6; PCC 6301; NIBB 1018; UTEX 625; CCAP 1405/1; SAG B 1402-1; ATCC 27144
Other strain no. : Tx 20  
Remarks Cryopreserved; Axenic 
Nagai, T. 2020 Sensitivity differences among seven algal species to 12 herbicides with various modes of action. J. Pestic. Sci., 44, 225-232.
Keywords: algae; difference in species sensitivity; herbicide
Strain(s): 3277 
DOI: 10.1584/jpestics.D19-039

Ando, T., Nagase, H., Eguchi, K., Hirooka, T., Nakamura, T., Miyamoto, K., Hirata, K. 2007 A novel method using cyanobacteria for ecotoxicity test of veterinary antimicrobial agents. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 26, 601-606.
Keywords: Antimicrobial agent; Cyanobacterium; Ecotoxicity test; Algal toxicity
Strain(s): 1923441073277 
PubMed: 17447543
DOI: 10.1897/06-195R.1

Hosoya, R., Hamana, K., Isobe, M., Yokota, A. 2005 Polyamine distribution profiles within Cyanobacteria. Microbiol. Cult. Coll., 21, 3-8.
Keywords: cyanobacteria; homospermidine; polyamine; spermidine
Strain(s): 19212228303437414445507378798081204208510512515592593610843846847209320962098210021022107210821182119212321242125212621282129213121323259327532763277 

Chu, C. Y., Liao, W. R., Huang, R., Lin, L. P. 2004 Haemagglutinating and antibiotic activities of freshwater microalgae. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 20, 817–825.
Keywords: Antibiotic activity; erythrocytes; freshwater microalgae; haemagglutination
Strain(s): 22622721592163216521692175218922082211221322142229223122332240224122432247224832773284 
DOI: 10.1007/s11274-004-8712-6

Suzuki, T., Nakasato, K., Shapiro, S., Pomati, F., Neilan, B. A. 2004 Effects of synthetic local anaesthetics on the growth of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus leopoliensis. J. Appl. Phycol., 16, 145-152.
Keywords: anaesthetics; auxins; cell growth; cyanobacteria; cytokinins; phytohormones; principal component; analysis; Synechococcus leopoliensis
Strain(s): 3277 
DOI: 10.1023/B:JAPH.0000044776.04977.00

Seo, P-S. & Yokota, A. 2003 The phylogenetic relationships of cyanobacteria inferred from 16S rRNA, gyrB, rpoC1 and rpoD1 gene sequences. J. Gen. Appl. Micobiol., 49, 191-203.
Keywords: cyanobacteria; gyrB; phylogeny; protein evolution; rpoC1; rpoD1; 16S rDNA
Strain(s): 19212225391042093209521283277 
PubMed: 12949700
DOI: 10.2323/jgam.49.191

Suzuki, T., Ohtaguchi, K., Koide, K. 1993 Cell growth inhibition in mouse leukemia L5178Y cells in vitro by crude extracts from freshwater blue-green algae. J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 26, 463-464.
Strain(s): 21163277 
DOI: 10.1252/jcej.26.463

Nichol, B. E., Budd, K., Palmer, G. R., MacArthur, D. 1987 The mechanisms of fluoride toxicity and fluoride resistance in Synechococcus leopoliensis (Cyanophyceae). J. Phycol., 23, 535-541.
Keywords: acidification; bluegreen algae; Cyanophyta; fluoride; phytoplankton; tolerance; toxicity
Strain(s): 3277 
DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.1987.tb04202.x

Omata, T. & Murata, N. 1986 Glucolipid synthesis activities in cytoplasmic and the thylakoid membranes from the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans. Plant Cell Physiol., 27, 485-490.
Keywords: Anacystis nidulans; cyanobacterium; cytoplasmic membrane; glucolipid; lipid biosynthesis; thylakoid membrane
Strain(s): 21703277 
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.pcp.a077124

Asada, Y. & Kawamura, S. 1986 Screening for cyanobacteria that evolve molecular hydrogen under dark and anaerobic conditions. J. Ferment. Technol., 64, 553-556.
Strain(s): 19212336394621193277 
DOI: 10.1016/0385-6380(86)90081-6

Murata, N., Wada, H., Hirasawa, R. 1984 Reversible and irreversible inactivation of photosynthesis in relation to the lipid phases of membranes in the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) Anacystis nidulans and Anabaena variabilis. Plant Cell Physiol., 25, 1027-1032.
Strain(s): 20933277 

Wada, H., Hirasawa, R., Omata, T., Murata, N. 1984 The lipid phase of thylakoid and cytoplasmic membranes from the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), Anacystis nidulans and Anabaena variabilis. Plant Cell Physiol., 25, 907-911.
Strain(s): 20933277 
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.pcp.a076805

Miyachi, S., Hirosawa, T., Tsuzuki, M. 1984 Regulation of photosynthetic carbon metabolism in microalgae by wavelength of incident light and by CO2 concentration. In Advances in Photosynthesis Research, Vol. 3, Ed. by Sybesma, C., M. Ninhoff / Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Hague, pp. 565-572.
Strain(s): 1920933277 

Hirosawa, T. 1984 Near-UV and blue light effects in cyanobacteria. In Blue Light Effects in Biological Systems, Ed. by Senger, H., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 39-47.
Strain(s): 193720933277 

Sato, N., Murata, N., Miura, Y., Ueta, N. 1979 Effect of growth temperature on lipid and fatty acid compositions the blue-green algae, Anabaena variabilis and Anacystis nidulans. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 572, 19-28.
Strain(s): 20933277 
PubMed: 104734
DOI: 10.1016/0005-2760(79)90196-6

Murata, N. 1977 Uphill energy transfer from chlorophyll a to phycobilins in blue-green algae Anabaena variabilis and Anacystis nidulans. Plant Cell Physiol., Spec. Iss. (Photosynthetic Organelles), 9-13.
Strain(s): 20933277 

Miyachi, S. & Okabe, K. 1976 Oxygen enhancement of photosynthesis in Anacystis nidulans cells. Plant Cell Physiol., 17, 973-986.
Strain(s): 20933277 

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