Strain number | NIES-2130 | |||
Phylum | Cyanophyta | |||
Class | Cyanophyceae | |||
Scientific name | Scytonema sp. | |||
Synonym | ||||
Former name | ||||
Common name | Blue-green alga ; Cyanobacteria | |||
Locality (Date of collection) | Harima Campus for Science, Univrersity of Hyogo, Himeji, Hyogo Japan (2002-**-**) | |||
Latitude / Longitude | 34.928516 / 134.445362 | |||
Habitat (Isolation source) | Terrestrial | |||
History | < IAM (2007) < Katoh, Hiroshi | |||
Isolator (Date of isolation) | Katoh, Hiroshi | |||
Identified by | Katoh, Hiroshi | |||
State of strain | Cryopreservation; Unialgal; Clonal; Axenic[2013 Feb] | |||
Culture condition (Preculture condition) |
BG-11 (agar)
Temperature: 20 C Light intensity: 5-9 µmol photons/m2/sec, L/D cycle: 10L:14D Duration: 4 M |
Gene information | Whole-genome ( MRCF01000179 ) , 16S rRNA ( AB694934 ) | |||
Cell size (min - max) | ||||
Organization | Filamentous | |||
Characteristics | Drought tolerance ; Nitrogen fixation (aerobic condition, Modified BG-110 medium, N-Free medium) ; Genome decoded strain (Zhu et al. 2017) | |||
Other strain no. |
Other collection strain no. : IAM M-291
Other strain no. : HK-05 |
Remarks | Cryopreserved; Axenic | |||
Movie |
Reference |
Haraguchi, Y., Okamoto, Y., Asahi, T., Shimizu, T.
Nitrogenous fertilizer-free microalgal culture using nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria-derived extracts for sustainable food production.
Phycol. Res.,
Keywords: ammonium; cultured meat; nitrogen-fixation; nitrogenous fertilizer reduction; sustainability Strain(s): 2130 DOI: 10.1111/pre.12574 Arsın, S., Delbaje, E., Jokela, J., Wahlsten, M., Farrar, Z. M., Permi, P., Fewer, D. 2023 A plastic biosynthetic pathway for the production of structurally distinct microbial sunscreens. ACS Chem. Biol., 18, 1959–1967. Strain(s): 25, 73, 267, 2100, 2107, 2109, 2111, 2130, 3755, 3756, 3757, 3974, 4073, 4102, 4103, 4105, 4106 PubMed: 37603862 DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.3c00112 Hirose, Y., Ohtsubo, Y., Misawa, N., Yonekawa, C., Nagao, N., Shimura, Y., Fujisawa, T., Kanesaki, Y., Katoh, H., Katayama, M., Yamaguchi, H., Yoshikawa, H., Ikeuchi, M., Eki, T., Nakamura, Y., Kawachi, M. 2021 Genome sequencing of the NIES Cyanobacteria collection with a focus on the heterocyst-forming clade. DNA Res., 28, dsab024 (article ID). Keywords: Cyanobacteria; genome; heterocyst; culture collection; taxonomy Strain(s): 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 37, 50, 73, 267, 806, 932, 2098, 2100, 2107, 2109, 2111, 2130, 2135, 3275, 3585, 3757, 3974, 4070, 4073, 4074, 4075, 4101, 4102, 4103, 4106 PubMed: 34677568 DOI: 10.1093/dnares/dsab024 Lin, W., Zhao, D., Luo, J. 2018 Distribution of alkaline phosphatase genes in cyanobacteria and the role of alkaline phosphatase on the acquisition of phosphorus from dissolved organic phosphorus for cyanobacterial growth. J. Appl. Phycol., 30, 839-850. Keywords: Alkaline; phosphatase; Cyanobacteria; Dissolved organic phosphorus; Distribution Strain(s): 30, 39, 81, 2130, 2549, 3756 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-017-1267-3 Zhu, T., Hou, S., Lu, X., Hess, W. R. 2017 Draft genome sequences of nine cyanobacterial strains from diverse habitats. GenomeA, 5, e01676-16 (article ID). Strain(s): 30, 208, 592, 593, 1031, 2101, 2119, 2130 PubMed: 28254973 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01676-16 Johansen, JR., Mareš, J., Pietrasiak, N., Bohunická, M., Zima, J Jr., Štenclová, L., Hauer, T. 2017 Highly divergent 16S rRNA sequences in ribosomal operons of Scytonema hyalinum (Cyanobacteria). PLoS One, 12, e0186393 (article ID). Strain(s): 2130, 4073 PubMed: 29073157 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186393 |
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