Strain number NIES-1363  
Phylum Chlorophyta  
Class Chlorophyceae  
Scientific name Pleodorina starrii Nozaki, Ott & Coleman  
Former name  
Common name Green alga  
Locality (Date of collection) Lake Sagami, Kanagawa, Japan (2000-06-02)  
Latitude / Longitude 35.6127439121 / 139.18283003 
Habitat (Isolation source) Freshwater (Lake water)  
History < Nozaki, Hisayoshi  
Isolator (Date of isolation) (2000-06-02)  
Identified by Nozaki, Hisayoshi  
State of strain Subculture; Unialgal; Clonal; Axenic[2024 Dec]  
Culture condition
(Preculture condition)
Medium:  AF-6VTAC  
Temperature:  20 C
Light intensity:  3 µmol photons/m2/sec, L/D cycle:  10L:14D
Duration:  3 M  
Gene information Whole-genome ( BRXT00000000 ) , Mitochondria DNA ( JX977845 ) , Plastid DNA ( JX977846 ) , MID ( BAF42661 )  
Cell size (min - max)  
Organization Colonial; Flagellate 
Characteristics Other water bloom ; Phototaxis ; Authentic strain (Nozaki et al. 2006) ; Heterothallic ; Anisogamous ; Male ; Genome decoded strain (Takahashi et al. 2003;( Smith et al. 2013)  
Other strain no. Other strain no. : 2000-602-P15  
Remarks Axenic 
Yamagishi, S., Yamamoto, K., Takahashi, K., Kawai-Toyooka, H., Suzuki, S., Matsuzaki, R., Yamaguchi, H., Kawachi, M., Higashiyama, T., Nozaki, H. 2024 Evolutionary analysis of MID homologs during the transition from homothallic species to heterothallic species in Volvox sect. Volvox (Chlorophyceae). Phycol. Res., 72, 46-55.
Keywords: male gamete; mating system; minus dominance gene (MID); molecular evolution; sex; sperm packet; volvocine green algae
Strain(s): 28945646054154454556957257458265265365473285185285787289189213621363170817101859245725692735273627403382338337803782378638743984398639884021402543364432453545364537 
DOI: 10.1111/pre.12538

Takahashi, K., Suzuki, S., Kawai-Toyooka, H., Yamamoto, K., Hamaji, T., Ootsuki, R., Yamaguchi, H., Kawachi, M., Higashiyama, T., Nozaki, H. 2023 Reorganization of the ancestral sex-determining regions during the evolution of trioecy in Pleodorina starrii. Commun. Biol., 6, 590 (article ID).
Strain(s): 13634479448044814482 
PubMed: 37296191
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-04949-1

Takahashi, K., Kawai-Toyooka, H., Ootsuki, R., Hamaji, T., Tsuchikane, Y., Sekimoto, H., Higashiyama, T., Nozaki, H. 2021 Three sex phenotypes in a haploid algal species give insights into the evolutionary transition to a self-compatible mating system. Evolution, 75, 2984-2993.
Keywords: Haploid species; inbreeding; life-history evolution; mating systems; reproductive isolation; sex
Strain(s): 456460541544731732872891892136213632569338233833780378240664068447944804481448244834484 
PubMed: 34250602
DOI: 10.1111/evo.14306

Lindsey, C. R., Rosenzweing, F., Herron, M. D. 2021 Phylotranscriptomics points to multiple independent origins of multicellularity and cellular differentiation in the volvocine algae. BMC Biol., 19, 182 (article ID).
Keywords: Phylotranscriptomics; Volvocine algae; Green algae; Phylogeny; Multicellularity
Strain(s): 41845645846054154354456456656857258265365471771972072272572873073273673785185686386786887888289089389513621363256928633383412641274128 
DOI: 10.1101/2021.03.16.435725

Hunsperger, H. M., Randhawa, T., Cattolico, R. A. 2015 Extensive horizontal gene transfer, duplication, and loss of chlorophyll synthesis genes in the algae. BMC Evol. Biol., 15, 16 (article ID).
Keywords: Chlorophyll synthesis; Horizontal gene transfer; Endosymbiotic gene transfer; Gene duplication; Algae; Protochlorophyllide
Strain(s): 29336048413632140 
PubMed: 25887237
DOI: 10.1186/s12862-015-0286-4

Smith, D. R., Hamaji, T., Olson, B. J., Durand, P. M., Ferris, P., Michod, R. E., Featherston, J., Nozaki, H., Keeling, P. J. 2013 Organelle genome complexity scales positively with organism size in volvocine green algae. Mol. Biol. Evol., 30, 793-797.
Keywords: Chlamydomonas; Gonium; Pleodorina; Volvox; mitochondrion; chloroplast
Strain(s): 1363 
PubMed: 23300255
DOI: 10.1093/molbev/mst002

Nozaki, H., Ott, F. D., Coleman, A. W. 2006 Morphology, molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of two new species of Pleodorina (Volvocaceae, Chlorophyceae). J. Phycol., 42, 1072-1080.
Keywords: colonial Volvocales; molecular phylogeny; morphology; Pleodorina starrii sp. nov.; Pleodorina thompsonii sp. nov.; taxonomy
Strain(s): 4564605415445776667207217227247257287307317327347357368638658668678688698728918921362136341264127 
DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2006.00255.x

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