A big image opens when the thumbnail is clicked.(nies-0381.jpg)
Strain number NIES-381  
Phylum Euglenozoa  
Class Euglenophyceae  
Scientific name Eutreptiella gymnastica Throndsen  
Former name  
Common name  
Locality (Date of collection) Yashima Bay, Kagawa, Japan (1982-10-14)  
Latitude / Longitude  
Habitat (Isolation source) Marine  
History < KAGAWA  
Isolator (Date of isolation) Yoshimatsu, Sadaaki  
Identified by Yoshimatsu, Sadaaki  
State of strain Subculture; Unialgal; Clonal; Axenic[2019 Jan]  
Culture condition
(Preculture condition)
Medium:  ESMf/2  
Temperature:  20 C
Light intensity:  24 µmol photons/m2/sec, L/D cycle:  10L:14D
Duration:  25 D  
Gene information 18S rRNA ( AF081590 ) , 28S rRNA ( EF525293 KJ158189 ) , psbO ( AB293972 ) , PAC1 ( AB126953 ) , PAC2 ( AB126954 ) , PRK ( AB643659 ) , CO1 ( AB000132 ) , 16S rRNA ( FJ719672 ) , transcriptome ( SRR1294408 )  
Cell size (min - max) - 32 μm  
Organization Unicellular; Flagellate 
Characteristics Red tide ; Genome decoded strain  
Other strain no. Other strain no. : KGW-63-1  
Remarks Axenic 
Kang, S., Kim, K.-H., Chung, N., Li, Z. 2023 A new omega-3 rich euglenoid Eutreptiella sp. from the Korean coastal waters. Algal Res., 75, 103296 (article ID).
Keywords: Euglenoids; Eutreptiella sp. KCTC 19016P; Fatty acids; Microalgae; Phytoplankton; Phylogenetic analysis
Strain(s): 473812305 
DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103296

Hamana, K., Furuchi, T., Hayashi, H., Niitsu, M. 2022 Additional polyamine analysis of algal chlorarachniophytes, euglenophytes, haptophytes, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, chromerids and heterokontophytes. —Polyamine analysis of algae IV— Microb. Resour. Syst., 38, 51-62.
Keywords: alga; chlorarachniophyte; chromerid; dinoflagellate; polyamine
Strain(s): 124748253274276277282286304331381387463623624699706715741144321452146214923512433253525842588263526772716272828603576374540604109428043914392 

Harada, R., Hirakawa, Y., Yabuki, A., Kashiyama, Y., Maruyama, M., Onuma, R., Soukal, P., Miyagishima, S., Hampl, V., Tanifuji, G., Inagaki, Y. 2020 Inventory and evolution of mitochondrion-localized family a DNA polymerases in Euglenozoa. Pathogens, 9, 257 (article ID).
Keywords: DNA replication; family A DNA polymerase; plant and protist organellar DNA polymerase; Trypanosomatida; Kinetoplastea; Diplonemea; Euglenida; Prokinetoplastina
Strain(s): 381 
PubMed: 32244644
DOI: 10.3390/pathogens9040257

Wagstaff, B. A., Rejzek, M., Kuhaudomlarp, S., Hill, L., Mascia, I., Nepogodiev, S. A., Dorfmueller, H. C., Field, R. A. 2019 Discovery of an RmlC/D fusion protein in the microalga Prymnesium parvum and its implications for NDP-β-L-rhamnose biosynthesis in microalgae. J. Biol. Chem., 294, 9172-9185.
Strain(s): 381 
PubMed: 31010825
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.006440

Kashiyama, Y. et al. 2019 Taming chlorophylls by early eukaryotes underpinned algal interactions and the diversification of the eukaryotes on the oxygenated Earth. ISME J., 13, 1899-1910.
Strain(s): 82542742863243313533814946236249971012101310151320133013331334133513721377138813901396139714081438143914411868196420082142214421492300230523252433249825022566258425862589259026772878335633743775 
PubMed: 30809012
DOI: 10.1038/s41396-019-0377-0

Yoo, Y.D., Seong, K.A., Kima, H.S., Jeong, H.J., Yoon, E.Y., Park, J., Kim, J.I., Shin, W., Palenik, B. 2018 Feeding and grazing impact by the bloom-forming euglenophyte Eutreptiella eupharyngea on marine eubacteria and cyanobacteria. Harmful Algae, 73, 98-109.
Keywords: Ecology; Food web; Algal bloom; Mixotrophy; Red tide; Synechococcus
Strain(s): 381 
PubMed: 29602510
DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2018.02.003

Yang, Y., Maruyama S., Sekimoto, H., Sakayama, H., Nozaki, H. 2011 An extended phylogenetic analysis reveals ancient origin of “non-green" phosphoribulokinase genes from two lineages of "green” secondary photosynthetic eukaryotes: Euglenophyta and Chlorarachniophyta. BMC Research Notes, 4, 330 (article ID).
Strain(s): 381 
PubMed: 21899749
DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-4-330

Kim, J. I., Shin, W., Treimer, R. E. 2010 Multigene analyses of photosynthetic euglenoids and new family, Phacaceae (Euglenales). J. Phycol., 46, 1278-1287.
Keywords: discoid chloroplast; Euglenaceae; Euglenales; multigene analysis; Phacaceae; phylogeny; synapomorphy
Strain(s): 381 
DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00910.x

Alamsjah, M. A., Hirao, S., Ishibashi, F., Oda, T., Fujita, Y. 2008 Algicidal activity of polyunsaturated fatty acids derived from Ulva fasciata and U. pertusa (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) on phytoplankton. J. Appl. Phycol., 20, 713-720.
Keywords: Algicidal compound; Red tide phytoplankton; Ulva fasciata; Ulva pertusa
Strain(s): 137221251252254359381462486 
DOI: 10.1007/s10811-007-9257-5

Takahashi, F., Okabe, Y., Nakada, T., Sekimoto, H., Ito, M., Kataoka, H. & Nozaki, H. 2007 Origins of the secondary plastids of Euglenophyta and Chlorarachniophyta as revealed by an analysis of the plastid-targeting, nuclear-encoded gene psbO. J. Phycol., 43, 1302-1309.
Keywords: alanine-X-alanine motif; Chlorarachniophyta; Euglenophyta; phylogeny; plastids; psbO; secondary endosymbiosis; transit peptide; thylakoid-targeting domain
Strain(s): 67203254381483533624656 
DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2007.00411.x

Koumura, Y., Suzuki, T., Yoshikawa, S., Watanabe, M., Iseki, M. 2004 The origin of photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC), the Euglena blue-light receptor: phylogenetic analysis of orthologues of PAC subunits from several euglenoids and trypanosome-type adenylyl cyclases from Euglena gracilis. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 3, 580-586.
Strain(s): 48381 
PubMed: 5170488
DOI: 10.1039/b316075k

Hamana, K., Sakamoto, A., Nishina, M., Niitsu, M. 2004 Cellular polyamine profile of the phyla Dinophyta, Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, Euglenozoa, Cercozoa and Heterokonta. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 50, 297-303.
Keywords: Apicomlexa; Cercozoa; Ciliophora; Dinophyta; Euglenozoa; Heterokonta; norspermidine; polyamine
Strain(s): 12286304331381387463 
PubMed: 15747233
DOI: 10.2323/jgam.50.297

Inagaki, Y., Hayashi-Ishimaru, Y., Ehara, M., Igarashi, I., Ohama, T. 1997 Algae or protozoa: phylogenetic position of euglenophytes and dinoflagellates as inferred from mitochondrial sequences. J. Mol. Evol., 45, 295-300.
Keywords: mitochondrial COXI gene; Dinoflagellata; Apicomplexa; Kinetoplastida; Euglenophyta; endosymbiosis; genetic code; malarian circle
Strain(s): 12381 
DOI: 10.1007/PL00006233

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