About us

  AOACC is the Network of Asia Oceania Algal Culture Collections. AOACC includes culture collections of both microalgae and macroalgae from countries in the Asia Oceania region.

The objectives of AOACC are:

  • To identify and foster synergy and linkages between algal culture collections in Asia Oceania
  • To build and improve capacity of algal culture collections in Asia Oceania in research, education and the applications of microalgae
  • To preserve and improve knowledge of algal biodiversity in Asia Oceania
  • To integrate and disseminate knowledge and data on algal culture collections in Asia Oceania

AOACC Director:
Prof Dr Makoto Watanabe, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Dr Susan Blackburn, CSIRO, Australia
Dr Masanobu Kawachi, NIES, Japan